Update realm-level defaults of user settings
This endpoint is only available to organization administrators.
PATCH https://yourZulipDomain.zulipchat.com/api/v1/realm/user_settings_defaults
Change the default values of settings for new users
joining the organization. Essentially all
personal preference settings are supported.
This feature can be invaluable for customizing Zulip's default
settings for notifications or UI to be appropriate for how the
organization is using Zulip. (Note that this only supports
personal preference settings, like when to send push
notifications or what emoji set to use, not profile or
identity settings that naturally should be different for each user).
Note that this endpoint cannot, at present, be used to modify
settings for existing users in any way.
Changes: New in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 96). If any parameters
sent in the request are not supported by this endpoint, an
array will
be returned in the JSON success response.
Usage examples
curl -sSX PATCH https://yourZulipDomain.zulipchat.com/api/v1/realm/user_settings_defaults \
--data-urlencode left_side_userlist=true \
--data-urlencode emojiset=google
dense_mode boolean optional
Example: true
This setting has no effect at present. It is reserved for use in controlling
the default font size in Zulip.
starred_message_counts boolean optional
Example: true
receives_typing_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Whether the user is configured to receive typing notifications from other users.
The server will only deliver typing notifications events to users who for whom this
is enabled.
Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 253). Previously, there were
only options to disable sending typing notifications.
web_suggest_update_timezone boolean optional
Example: true
Whether the user should be shown an alert, offering to update their
profile time zone, when the time displayed
for the profile time zone differs from the current time displayed by the
time zone configured on their device.
Changes: New in Zulip 10.0 (feature level 329).
fluid_layout_width boolean optional
Example: true
high_contrast_mode boolean optional
Example: true
This setting is reserved for use to control variations in Zulip's design
to help visually impaired users.
web_channel_default_view integer optional
Example: 1
Web/desktop app setting controlling the default navigation
behavior when clicking on a channel link.
- 1 - Top topic in the channel
- 2 - Channel feed
Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 269). Previously, this
was not configurable, and every user had the "Channel feed" behavior.
Must be one of: 1
, 2
web_font_size_px integer optional
Example: 14
User-configured primary font-size
for the web application, in pixels.
Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 245). Previously, font size was
only adjustable via browser zoom. Note that this setting was not fully
implemented at this feature level.
web_line_height_percent integer optional
Example: 122
User-configured primary line-height
for the web application, in percent, so a
value of 120 represents a line-height
of 1.2.
Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 245). Previously, line height was
not user-configurable. Note that this setting was not fully implemented at this
feature level.
color_scheme integer optional
Example: 1
Controls which color theme to use.
- 1 - Automatic
- 2 - Dark theme
- 3 - Light theme
Automatic detection is implementing using the standard prefers-color-scheme
media query.
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
enable_drafts_synchronization boolean optional
Example: true
A boolean parameter to control whether synchronizing drafts is enabled for
the user. When synchronization is disabled, all drafts stored in the server
will be automatically deleted from the server.
This does not do anything (like sending events) to delete local copies of
drafts stored in clients.
translate_emoticons boolean optional
Example: true
display_emoji_reaction_users boolean optional
Example: false
Whether to display the names of reacting users on a message.
When enabled, clients should display the names of reacting users, rather than
a count, for messages with few total reactions. The ideal cutoff may depend on
the space available for displaying reactions; the official web application
displays names when 3 or fewer total reactions are present with this setting
Changes: New in Zulip 6.0 (feature level 125).
web_home_view string optional
Example: "all_messages"
The home view used when opening a new
Zulip web app window or hitting the Esc
keyboard shortcut repeatedly.
- "recent_topics" - Recent conversations view
- "inbox" - Inbox view
- "all_messages" - Combined feed view
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 219). Previously, this was
called default_view
, which was new in Zulip 4.0 (feature level 42).
web_escape_navigates_to_home_view boolean optional
Example: true
Whether the escape key navigates to the
configured home view.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 219). Previously, this was called
, which was new in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 107).
left_side_userlist boolean optional
Example: true
Whether the users list on left sidebar in narrow windows.
This feature is not heavily used and is likely to be reworked.
emojiset string optional
Example: "google"
The user's configured emoji set,
used to display emoji to the user everywhere they appear in the UI.
- "google" - Google
- "twitter" - Twitter
- "text" - Plain text
- "google-blob" - Google blobs
demote_inactive_streams integer optional
Example: 1
user_list_style integer optional
Example: 1
The style selected by the user for the right sidebar user list.
- 1 - Compact
- 2 - With status
- 3 - With avatar and status
Changes: New in Zulip 6.0 (feature level 141).
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
web_animate_image_previews string optional
Example: "on_hover"
Controls how animated images should be played in the message feed in the web/desktop application.
- "always" - Always play the animated images in the message feed.
- "on_hover" - Play the animated images on hover over them in the message feed.
- "never" - Never play animated images in the message feed.
Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 275). Previously, animated images
always used to play in the message feed by default. This setting controls this
Must be one of: "always"
, "on_hover"
, "never"
web_stream_unreads_count_display_policy integer optional
Example: 2
Configuration for which channels should be displayed with a numeric unread count in the left sidebar.
Channels that do not have an unread count will have a simple dot indicator for whether there are any
unread messages.
- 1 - All channels
- 2 - Unmuted channels and topics
- 3 - No channels
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 210).
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
hide_ai_features boolean optional
Example: null
Controls whether user wants AI features like topic summarization to
be hidden in all Zulip clients.
Changes: New in Zulip 10.0 (feature level 350).
enable_stream_desktop_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable visual desktop notifications for channel messages.
enable_stream_email_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable email notifications for channel messages.
enable_stream_push_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable mobile notifications for channel messages.
enable_stream_audible_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable audible desktop notifications for channel messages.
notification_sound string optional
Example: "ding"
enable_desktop_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable visual desktop notifications for direct messages and @-mentions.
enable_sounds boolean optional
Example: true
Enable audible desktop notifications for direct messages and
enable_followed_topic_desktop_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable visual desktop notifications for messages sent to followed topics.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 189).
enable_followed_topic_email_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable email notifications for messages sent to followed topics.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 189).
enable_followed_topic_push_notifications boolean optional
Example: false
Enable push notifications for messages sent to followed topics.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 189).
enable_followed_topic_audible_notifications boolean optional
Example: false
Enable audible desktop notifications for messages sent to followed topics.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 189).
email_notifications_batching_period_seconds integer optional
Example: 120
The duration (in seconds) for which the server should wait to batch
email notifications before sending them.
enable_offline_email_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable email notifications for direct messages and @-mentions received
when the user is offline.
enable_offline_push_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable mobile notification for direct messages and @-mentions received
when the user is offline.
enable_online_push_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Enable mobile notification for direct messages and @-mentions received
when the user is online.
enable_digest_emails boolean optional
Example: true
Enable digest emails when the user is away.
message_content_in_email_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Include the message's content in email notifications for new messages.
pm_content_in_desktop_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Include content of direct messages in desktop notifications.
wildcard_mentions_notify boolean optional
Example: true
Whether wildcard mentions (E.g. @all) should send notifications
like a personal mention.
enable_followed_topic_wildcard_mentions_notify boolean optional
Example: true
Whether wildcard mentions (e.g., @all) in messages sent to followed topics
should send notifications like a personal mention.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 189).
desktop_icon_count_display integer optional
Example: 1
Unread count badge (appears in desktop sidebar and browser tab)
- 1 - All unread messages
- 2 - DMs, mentions, and followed topics
- 3 - DMs and mentions
- 4 - None
Changes: In Zulip 8.0 (feature level 227), added DMs, mentions, and followed
option, renumbering the options to insert it in order.
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
realm_name_in_email_notifications_policy integer optional
Example: 1
automatically_follow_topics_policy integer optional
Example: 1
Which topics to follow automatically.
- 1 - Topics the user participates in
- 2 - Topics the user sends a message to
- 3 - Topics the user starts
- 4 - Never
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 214).
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
automatically_unmute_topics_in_muted_streams_policy integer optional
Example: 1
Which topics to unmute automatically in muted channels.
- 1 - Topics the user participates in
- 2 - Topics the user sends a message to
- 3 - Topics the user starts
- 4 - Never
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 214).
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
automatically_follow_topics_where_mentioned boolean optional
Example: true
Whether the server will automatically mark the user as following
topics where the user is mentioned.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 235).
presence_enabled boolean optional
Example: true
Display the presence status to other users when online.
enter_sends boolean optional
Example: true
Whether pressing Enter in the compose box sends a message
(or saves a message edit).
twenty_four_hour_time boolean optional
Example: true
Whether time should be displayed in 24-hour notation.
Changes: New in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 99).
Previously, this default was edited using the
parameter to the PATCH /realm
send_private_typing_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Whether typing notifications be sent when composing
direct messages.
Changes: New in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 105).
send_stream_typing_notifications boolean optional
Example: true
Whether typing notifications be sent when composing
channel messages.
Changes: New in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 105).
send_read_receipts boolean optional
Example: true
Whether other users are allowed to see whether you've
read messages.
Changes: New in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 105).
email_address_visibility integer optional
Example: 1
The policy for which other users
in this organization can see the user's real email address.
- 1 = Everyone
- 2 = Members only
- 3 = Administrators only
- 4 = Nobody
- 5 = Moderators only
Changes: New in Zulip 7.0 (feature level 163), replacing the
realm-level setting.
Must be one of: 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
web_navigate_to_sent_message boolean optional
Example: true
Web/desktop app setting for whether the user's view should
automatically go to the conversation where they sent a message.
Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 268). Previously,
this behavior was not configurable.
Example response(s)
Changes: The ignored_parameters_unsupported
array was added as a possible return value for all REST API endpoint
JSON success responses in Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167).
Previously, it was added to
POST /users/me/subscriptions/properties
in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 111) and to
PATCH /realm/user_settings_defaults
in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 96). The feature was introduced in Zulip 5.0
(feature level 78) as a return value for the
PATCH /settings
A typical successful JSON response with ignored parameters may look like:
"ignored_parameters_unsupported": [
"msg": "",
"result": "success"